Call 334-657-3222 or send us an e-mail All messages are returned within 24 hours.
Stop by for a visit and tour our farm with one of the guys. Our family farm is conveniently located just 5 miles off of Interstate I-65 in Hope Hull.

Tyler & Sarah Ellis
Hays, Luke, and little Henry

Stinson & Alison Ellis
Rivers and Harrison
Taber & Grace Ellis
with our one precious granddaughter Anna Grace
Here we are... Melissa and I, with our six wonderful grandchildren!
We’d love for you to come visit us! While you’re here, we’ll take you to see some good cattle, brag on our grandchildren and show you how we try our best to serve God.
~ Thomas Ellis
The Ellis Family has been raising cattle since Fielding Ellis came from Virginia and Homesteaded land in Lowndes County in the mid 1800's. We hope to do business with you one day soon.
Thank you.

3500 Mason Road Hope Hull Al 36043
Find us on the Map:
Thomas Ellis ..... 334-657-3222 ........
Taber Ellis .........334-322-4713
Stinson Ellis........334-657-3315
Tyler Ellis